May 10, 2012

Dear friends, please help the Personality Well-Being lab out..

Take part in a 2 part study examining how emotions spread through social interactions. This study is part of a new research being conducted by the Personality and Well-Being lab at SFSU. Active participants will receive $20 upon completing the study. If you would like to participate in the study, please email Dr. Ryan Howell, Ph.D at for more detailed instructions.

I NEED participants, please & thank you ♥

February 9, 2012

Beyond the Purchase

Hey fellow readers! I know it's been way too long since I've updated this blog, but now I'm back! Or maybe not. I decided to post up blogs if I run across anything related to positive psychology.  Recently, I just received a position in one of my old professor's lab. He is literally amazing at what he does! And he introduced me to this website where participants, such as you can complete surveys to have benefit yourself. The surveys are not extraneously long, but fun! You should check it out if you're interested on how you spend your money or how your behaviors contribute to your own well-being.  Below the link will be posted!

August 17, 2011

Final Act of Kindness

I haven't been blogging much, but I came across this. See how much spreading acts of kindness helps influences others?